Tested: Beautycounter Touchup Skin Concealer Pen in Fair, Light

I must confess, I have terribly dark under-eye circles and they're mostly my fault.  When I was younger, I used to stay up late to study, surf the web, or watch television.  Add that to the fact that I was already on a bad sleeping schedule of staying up until 3 in the morning and we've really got ourselves a recipe for disaster.  While I can't reverse the effects of my bad habits from the past, I can better the features I've got and conceal those pesky circles with under eye concealers.  Today, I'm going to be talking about Beautycounter's popular Touchup Skin Concealer Pen.  This has really worked wonders for me over the past few months and I really hope it'll do the same for you!

Consistency: At  first glance, Beauty counter's Touchup Skin Concealer Pen is a spot-on twin for the much-raved-about Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat.  I've tried the Touche Éclat a few years ago and ,while the exterior looks similar, the formulation of the concealers are different.  The Touchup Concealer has a thin, light consistency that is easily blendable.  It sets comfortably under the eyes and has a nice moisturizing effect that is really soothing for the under-eye area.  I find that it does not really crease underneath my eyes after applying the product.  However, I set it with my 100% Pure Healthy Flawless Skin Foundation Powder in Creme since I prefer to have extra reassurance that it'll stay on all day.  This method guarantees that there will be no creasing under my eyes, even on days when I wear makeup for twelve hours!  

Coverage: I'd like to emphasize that the concealer functions much better as a brightener than an actual concealer.   I do not use this on my spots as I find that the coverage is not enough to completely cover any redness or major pigmentation.  However, I am used to full coverage concealers so while I find that the coverage is not completely full, it still covers a considerable amount(light-medium).  I use this mainly under the eyes and it does a spectacular job at lightening my issues such as the purplish-red shadows and sunken dullness. Another great place to use this product is on the sides of the nose or even at the tip of the nose where redness usually occurs.  

Lasting Power:  As I said before, I almost always set this concealer with powder.  It would last a good few hours (~3) before creasing if it was not set with powder and it was applied sparingly.  There is absolutely no way that it would last a twelve hour day without creasing, though, if it was not set with powder.  As I use it mainly on my under-eyes, I don't have any problems with oiliness or separation of product throughout the day.  

L: Touchup Skin Concealer in Fair      R: Touchup Skin Concealer in Light

Extra Comments: I ordered both the Fair and Light from the Beautycounter website since I could not be certain which shade would work best for my skin tone.  I've since determined that the Fair shade would be a perfect shade for me.  It is slightly lighter than my fair-light skin tone but works wonder under my eyes.  The Light shade is a bit too orange for me and would not work even on covering my blemishes because it is too warm for my skin tone.  I usually blend both the Fair and Light under my eyes( as shown below) to achieve the perfect color match.  I would only repurchase this product in Fair in the future though as I don't absolutely need the Light shade very often if ever.  

Top L: No concealer   R: Combination of Fair/Light
Bottom: L: Blended out Fair/Light  R: Set with powder

I wore the concealer with the Beauty counter Tint Skin in Linen in the above pictures.  The Beautycounter staff recommends that those with Linen skin tones color match with either Fair or Light, but as noted before, I found Light too orange on me.  It's best to ask a Beautycounter representative if you are confused about your own color match since it's always a tricky situation when online shopping for base makeup!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below! Which non-toxic concealers have you tried and loved?




  1. Hi Vanessa,

    Thanks so much for the wonderful review (the OCD in me loves the logical breakdown of the review into the various components). It's great to see a comparison with the HG YSL under eye brightener! I am really sold on this concealer pen, and this will be my next makeup purchase, all thanks to you! Do you wear a concealer in addition to this? You mentioned above this is not really a concealer, but in your bottom left pic, I think the pen has done a really good job of covering the redness. I currently use the KW foundation as an under eye concealer, and set it with RMS Tinted Un Powder. Trying to figure out in what the "future" sequence will look like :)

    And your under eye circles are not bad at all!!! You should see mine :)

    Much love,
    Ruhi xx

    1. Ruhi,
      Thanks for reading, love! Yes, I feel like the Ysl option has a bit more coverage and a thicker consistency(by a bit) but it's ingredients aren't as clean. I'm so excited that I helped with your purchase decision (obviously we encourage each other's shopping habits)! What I was trying to get across was that the brightening effects are better than the concealing effects. I'm really used to heavy coverage concealers so the coverage this one provides( which is great, as you can see) isn't exactly FULL concealer coverage. I do find that once I apply my 100% Pure powder underneath to set it, the coverage of the powder with the concealer makes it a perfect full coverage+brightening combination. In the pic in the bottom left, I am only wearing the concealer blended out! I've heard great things about the KW foundation used as concealer since I've heard its a bit thick for overall application! Please do let me know when you have that future sequence confirmed, I'm sure curious!
      Have a beautiful day, Ruhi!

  2. Lovely review, the photos are so helpful! I'm fortunate enough that I've never had dark circles issues, 'cept when I'm super stressed out or go to bed too late.

    Your brow game is ON POINT. Could you share what you use? xoxo

    1. Ru, you should count yourself lucky! I look much scarier and very tired without makeup due to these dark circles!

      Thank you for the compliment! I use Etude House Drawing Eye Brow in #2 Grey Brown. I picked this up in Japan last summer and it's so easy to use, especially when a brow novice like me needs some serious evening out in that department. I don't know the exact ingredients, however, and everything was in Korean( it's a Korean brand). I know that they are not a clean company though but this works seriously well for me ( and I've tried Anastasia in the past). I always try to have clean products for my base makeup but when it comes to eyebrows I am not as stringent and I seriously love this product. The lasting power, shade, and ease of use is what really keeps me with this product. I hope this has helped!

  3. How were you able to find Beautycounter staff/ representative? Been wanting to get a hold of their products and test them out without having to pay so much for shipping :(

  4. How were you able to find Beautycounter staff/ representative? Been wanting to get a hold of their products and test them out without having to pay so much for shipping :(

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